
The Role of Technology in Modern Education

The Role of Technology in Modern Education

Technology in education can serve as a catalyst for innovation, personalisation and accessibility. To find out how CARS & STARS Online, as an advanced online reading comprehension program, aligns with these goals, click the link below. 

24 Strategies for Effective Classroom Management

24 Strategies for Effective Classroom Management

Effective classroom management aims to create a supportive and structured learning environment where both you and your students can thrive. Click the link below for 24 great and easy strategies to help you establish a positive and productive classroom atmosphere that benefits everyone. 

The Importance of Critical Thinking

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Students learning critical thinking can develop the ability to distinguish between what's logical and illogical through a combination of practice, understanding logical fallacies and employing specific strategies. For some ways they can improve their skills, click the link below.

What exactly is concentration – and how can I improve mine?

What exactly is concentration – and how can I improve mine?

Concentration is the ability to direct our attention and focus to a specific task or stimulus while ignoring distractions. To find out some reasons why people might find it hard to focus or maintain concentration, and some helpful strategies to improve concentration, click the link below.

The Importance of Reading Comprehension in Higher Education

 The Importance of Reading Comprehension in Higher Education

Reading comprehension is a foundational skill that is essential for success in higher education. You can give your students the best possible head start for higher education with the CARS & STARS Online digital reading comprehension program.

The Strategies Revisited: Summarising

The Strategies Revisited: Summarising

Demonstrating the ability to summarise an entire text accurately illustrates a student has understood it at a high level, but also illustrates that they are not distracted by what is not important within it and can distil their understanding to its most essential parts.

The Strategies Revisited: Interpreting Figurative Language

The Strategies Revisited: Interpreting Figurative Language

Reading figurative language requires a more developed level of reading comprehension because it involves a student not simply understanding what is directly stated but moving to thinking in a more abstract and complex way.

The Strategies Revisited: Identifying Author’s Purpose

The Strategies Revisited: Identifying Author’s Purpose

Questions about Identifying Author’s Purpose ask a student to consider why the author wrote the passage, which involves thinking about a text as an artefact created for a specific reason and with a specific agenda.

The Strategies Revisited: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

The Strategies Revisited: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

Being able to look at information and think about the reasoning that led to its creation – and whether it is a verifiable fact, or something slanted by the agenda of those providing it – is an important life skill, and so one of the twelve reading strategies that make up CARS & STARS Online.

The Strategies Revisited: Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences

The Strategies Revisited: Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences

Questions about Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences move students from a direct, lower-order level of thinking about texts read to a more indirect, higher-order level of thinking, where meaning is derived not simply from what is explicitly stated but from critically and imaginatively engaging with a text to think about the story and events beyond those presented in it.

The Strategies Revisited: Finding Word Meaning in Context

The Strategies Revisited: Finding Word Meaning in Context

Finding Word Meaning in Context is a crucial skill that develops as students move from lower-order to higher-order thinking about the texts that they read and illustrates the development of comprehension from rote learning to critically and creatively engaging with text.

The Strategies Revisited: Making Predictions

The Strategies Revisited: Making Predictions

In correctly answering questions about predictions in CARS & STARS Online a student can plausibly and realistically suggest what might happen next given the events depicted.

The Strategies Revisited: Comparing and Contrasting

The Strategies Revisited: Comparing and Contrasting

The ability to compare and contrast is a fundamental aspect of reading comprehension and so an important one of the twelve central reading strategies that make up CARS & STARS Online.

The Strategies Revisited: Recognising Cause and Effect

The Strategies Revisited: Recognising Cause and Effect

In order to truly understand what is happening in a story it is absolutely integral to be able to understand why something is happening. For this reason, Recognising Cause and Effect is one of the bedrock strategies featured in CARS & STARS Online, and recurs throughout every level of the program.

The Strategies Revisited: Understanding Sequence

The Strategies Revisited: Understanding Sequence

The sequence in which ideas are presented in a text is one of the first things students must be able to ascertain to be able to fully derive meaning from it, and so the notion of Understanding Sequence is a crucial factor in reading comprehension and one of the 12 central reading strategies in CARS & STARS Online.

The Strategies Revisited: Recalling Facts and Details

The Strategies Revisited: Recalling Facts and Details

The ability to recall facts and details in a reading passage illustrates that the student has been paying attention, but also that they have gone some way to understanding what they have read before they have been asked to reflect on it further.

The Strategies Revisited: Finding the Main Idea

The Strategies Revisited: Finding the Main Idea

The main idea of a reading passage is a sentence that tells what the passage is mostly about. Finding the Main Idea is therefore a vitally important skill, and thus it is quite rightly one of the 12 Reading Strategies that underpin CARS & STARS Online.

Strategies and Student Memory

Strategies and Student Memory

With its research-proven, strategy-based approach to teaching reading comprehension at every level, CARS & STARS Online facilitates instruction that teaches the way the brain learns and remembers, increasing student awareness of textual features and concepts, and providing a direct and understandable pathway to improving the comprehension of every student.

Reading and Problem Solving

Reading and Problem Solving

Students who approach reading as a problem-solving activity take an active and strategic approach to reading. CARS & STARS Online gives students the tools to solve the problems of reading – and become proficient interpreters of any kind of text at the same time.

Identifying Fact and Fiction

Identifying Fact and Fiction

While facts can be proven, opinions cannot, even though they may be expressed as if they are definitive statements. CARS & STARS Online helps students become the kind of readers who can easily – and effortlessly – evaluate a text to determine if it is fact or fiction.