Critical Thinking

The Importance of Critical Thinking

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Students learning critical thinking can develop the ability to distinguish between what's logical and illogical through a combination of practice, understanding logical fallacies and employing specific strategies. For some ways they can improve their skills, click the link below.

How Cooking Can Improve Reading Skills

How Cooking Can Improve Reading Skills

By engaging in cooking and following recipes, individuals practise critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a practical and enjoyable context. These skills, developed through cooking, can transfer to other reading materials and real-life situations, supporting improved reading comprehension and the ability to analyse, evaluate and solve problems effectively.

Critical Thinking and Creativity While Reading

Critical Thinking and Creativity While Reading

By integrating both critical thinking and creative skills, readers can approach reading with a more comprehensive and imaginative mindset, making connections and discovering insights that might not be apparent with either skill alone.