How Cooking Can Improve Reading Skills

Learning to cook and following a recipe can have a significant impact on reading comprehension skills, particularly in the areas of critical thinking and problem-solving. Here's how cooking and recipe-following can contribute to the development of these skills.

Following Sequences and Directions: Recipes provide a step-by-step sequence of instructions that need to be followed to achieve a desired outcome. When following a recipe, individuals must carefully read and comprehend each step, ensuring they understand the sequence and execute the directions accurately. This process enhances critical thinking by requiring attention to detail, logical sequencing and the ability to understand cause-and-effect relationships.

Analysing and Evaluating Information: Recipes often include various measurements, ingredient lists and cooking techniques. When reading a recipe, individuals must analyse and evaluate the information provided. They need to identify key details such as quantities, cooking times and specific techniques required. This practice encourages critical thinking as individuals assess the relevance and accuracy of the information, make decisions about substitutions or adjustments, and anticipate the potential outcomes of their actions.

Problem Solving: Cooking involves encountering and solving problems along the way. For example, if a particular ingredient is unavailable, individuals must think critically to determine suitable alternatives. They may encounter unexpected challenges, such as adjusting cooking times based on equipment variations or troubleshooting when a dish doesn't turn out as expected. Problem-solving skills are crucial in these situations, requiring individuals to think critically, analyse the situation, consider possible solutions and adjust accordingly.

Making Inferences and Adjustments: Sometimes, recipes may not provide explicit instructions for every situation. In such cases, individuals need to make inferences and fill in the gaps based on their understanding of cooking techniques, flavours and ingredient combinations. This process requires critical thinking as individuals draw upon their prior knowledge and experience to make informed decisions and adjustments.

Evaluating Outcomes: Following a recipe allows individuals to assess the results of their efforts. They can critically evaluate the taste, texture and presentation of the finished dish. This evaluation process encourages individuals to reflect on their choices, identify areas for improvement and think critically about how they might modify the recipe or technique in the future.

Attention to Detail: Cooking involves paying close attention to details such as measurements, cooking times and ingredient combinations. This attention to detail enhances critical thinking as individuals must carefully read and comprehend each aspect of the recipe. It helps develop the ability to identify and understand nuances and subtle differences that can impact the overall outcome.

By engaging in cooking and following recipes, individuals practise critical thinking and problem-solving skills within a practical and enjoyable context. These skills developed through cooking can transfer to other reading materials and real-life situations, supporting improved reading comprehension and the ability to analyse, evaluate and solve problems effectively.

Further practice in analysing and evaluating texts can be undertaken in the unique CARS & STARS Online reading comprehension program. Based on twelve core reading strategies, CARS & STARS Online is designed to turn every student into a comfortable and proficient reader who can approach every type of text with an advanced level of reading comprehension.

A reader who has progressed through CARS & STARS Online won’t just be able to read a text, they’ll be able to determine why they think it was written and what the person who wrote it was trying to get them to think when they read it. What’s more, they’ll be able to do this and many more textual analysis skills as second nature rather than as additional work, because they’ve been made familiar with them across the breadth of the entire program.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.