Critical Thinking and Creativity While Reading

Critical thinking and creativity are both essential skills for reading comprehension, and both are used in different ways when reading.

Critical thinking involves the process of analysing, evaluating and making judgments about information presented in the text. Critical thinkers actively engage with the text, questioning assumptions, making connections and drawing conclusions based on evidence and logic. They identify the main ideas, examine the author's purpose and perspective, and evaluate the credibility and validity of the information presented. Critical thinking is crucial for comprehending complex ideas and arguments, and for developing informed opinions and ideas.

Creativity, on the other hand, involves the process of generating new ideas, making connections and thinking outside the box. Creative thinkers approach reading with an open mind, seeking to explore new perspectives and make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts. They use their imagination to visualise the text, to see beyond the surface level of the words and delve into the deeper meaning. Creativity is important for developing original ideas, making unique connections and developing a personal relationship with the text.

Great readers need to build up both critical thinking and creative skills because they complement each other and contribute to a more well-rounded approach to reading. Critical thinking provides the skills necessary to analyse and evaluate the text, while creativity provides the skills necessary to make unique connections and develop original ideas. By integrating both critical thinking and creative skills, readers can approach reading with a more comprehensive and imaginative mindset, making connections and discovering insights that might not be apparent with either skill alone.

Furthermore, critical thinking and creativity are essential skills for success in academic and professional settings. Critical thinking skills are valued in fields such as science, law and medicine, while creativity is highly sought after in fields such as art, advertising and marketing. Both skills are crucial for solving complex problems, generating new ideas and making informed decisions. Developing both skills in reading can lead to a more well-rounded approach to learning and problem-solving, preparing readers for success in all areas of life.

CARS & STARS Online is a digital reading comprehension program based on twelve core reading strategies that is designed to turn every student into a comfortable and proficient reader who can approach every type of text with an advanced level of reading comprehension. A reader who has progressed through CARS & STARS Online won’t just be able to read a text, they’ll be able to determine why they think it was written and what the person who wrote it was trying to get them to think when they read it. What’s more, they’ll be able to do this and many more textual analysis skills as second nature rather than as additional work, because they’ve been made familiar with them across the breadth of the entire program – fusing the distinct skills mentioned above to became truly capable, competent readers of any type of writing.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.