
The Strategies Revisited: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

The Strategies Revisited: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion

Being able to look at information and think about the reasoning that led to its creation – and whether it is a verifiable fact, or something slanted by the agenda of those providing it – is an important life skill, and so one of the twelve reading strategies that make up CARS & STARS Online.

Identifying Fact and Fiction

Identifying Fact and Fiction

While facts can be proven, opinions cannot, even though they may be expressed as if they are definitive statements. CARS & STARS Online helps students become the kind of readers who can easily – and effortlessly – evaluate a text to determine if it is fact or fiction.

How we Tell a Truth from an Opinion

How we Tell a Truth from an Opinion

Being able to look at information and think about the reasoning that led to its creation – and whether it is a verifiable fact or something slanted by the agenda of those providing it – is an important life skill, and so one of the twelve reading strategies that make up CARS & STARS Online.