
What exactly is concentration – and how can I improve mine?

What exactly is concentration – and how can I improve mine?

Concentration is the ability to direct our attention and focus to a specific task or stimulus while ignoring distractions. To find out some reasons why people might find it hard to focus or maintain concentration, and some helpful strategies to improve concentration, click the link below.

Getting into the “Flow”

Getting into the “Flow”

A flow state, also known as being “in the zone”, refers to a mental state of optimal performance and engagement in an activity. It typically occurs when the challenges of a task align with an individual's skill level. To find out more about flow states, and some tips for reaching them, click the link below.

What to Do When Your Students Are Done

What to Do When Your Students Are Done

What do you do when your students have finished all their activities in CARS & STARS Online ahead of time, when you need extra things for them to do while other students continue working, or when you just want to give them extra practice?

Introduction to FOCUS Reading

Introduction to FOCUS Reading

Along with the CARS & STARS program, FOCUS Reading is a module perfect for students struggling with or needing more practice in one of the 6 core reading comprehension strategies. This module is designed for flexibility and can be used at any time to provide concentrated practice in the targeted strategies either to an entire class or individual students.

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

CARS & STARS Online is uniquely positioned to help readers who might be able to read fluently, but whose comprehension of what they are reading lags behind that fluency. The new Focus Reading module also features targeted practice in areas of need so that readers who might be behind in an area can focus on it and improve.