
Little Effort for Big Data

Little Effort for Big Data

With CARS & STARS Online, results are more powerful than ever. And they’re more easily collected, displayed and usefully harnessed, all by a process that occurs automatically and instantly, and which requires no direct teacher intervention to complete.

Students That Can Monitor Their Own Learning

Students That Can Monitor Their Own Learning

We know that it’s easier for students to comprehend their progress in an area if they know what they need to accomplish and how they will be assessed, and CARS & STARS Online is built with this in mind. Students benefit by being able to monitor their own data, and can use that data to move forward – being both more engaged in and conscious of exactly how they’re learning.

The Benefits of the Wealth of Student Data that CARS & STARS Provides

The Benefits of the Wealth of Student Data that CARS & STARS Provides

Having a better grasp of student achievements and progress, as well as difficulties and areas of concern, has always been the difference between being an informed and switched-on teacher and one who is “flying blind”. Better use of student data means more effectively being able to inform teaching and assessment decisions, in ways that can benefit both teachers and students.

Planning for Student Success – One Student, One Class, One School at a Time

Planning for Student Success – One Student, One Class, One School at a Time

CARS & STARS Online allows administering teachers to have an unprecedented, data-driven ability to plan instruction and keep tabs on learning for large groups, classes and even whole-school cohorts. But its unique features are just as applicable to individual students, who also benefit directly from new features such as the Question Timer feature, more detailed reports and individual planning sheets for teachers.

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

No Student Falls Through the Comprehension Cracks

CARS & STARS Online is uniquely positioned to help readers who might be able to read fluently, but whose comprehension of what they are reading lags behind that fluency. The new Focus Reading module also features targeted practice in areas of need so that readers who might be behind in an area can focus on it and improve.