Digital Benefits

Homework that Works

Homework that Works

Homework still exists in the 21st century, but with CARS & STARS Online it is homework that is targeted, informed, relevant and directly contributing to core instruction – rather than just extra work to keep ideas fresh in students’ minds.

Students Get the Most Out of CARS & STARS Online

Students Get the Most Out of CARS & STARS Online

CARS & STARS Online offers a student experience that is unparalleled in its ease and scope. Students using the program have nothing to worry about beyond how to get the best out of it and themselves, and this simplicity and ease of use is an important part of how the program helps to make every student’s reading journey extraordinary.

There's Never Been a Better Time to Go Digital Than 2020!

There's Never Been a Better Time to Go Digital Than 2020!

CARS & STARS Online reading comprehension program provides an overview of class success that printed books just can’t match while also delivering results much more quickly than any teacher using old-fashioned textbooks could hope to achieve. CARS & STARS Online contains all the content from the printed version of the program in addition to many benefits and features that are unique to the digital platform.