Reading isn't Just Fun – It's Good for You!

Any good librarian can tell you that reading is one of the singular joys of life. That’s why novels have been popular for hundreds of years, and today’s bestsellers reach more readers than ever before even while other traditional media like newspapers and broadcast television struggle. In a world saturated with movies and Netflix and a million other distractions, there’s still nothing quite like picking up a book (or a tablet) and escaping for a while.

But did you know that reading is verifiably good for your health, as well as being enjoyable? Recent research shows that regular reading improves brain connectivity, which is good news all round. It also increases your vocabulary and comprehension, while making you better at empathising with other people – a skill that’s in shorter and shorter supply today!

Reading before bed can aid in sleep readiness. But reading in general can be pretty relaxing. In fact reading reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and can help fight common symptoms of depression. Taking all this into account, it’s no surprise researchers think reading regularly helps prevent cognitive decline as you age, and can also help contribute to a longer life!

It’s especially important for children to read as much as possible because the effects of reading are cumulative. But it’s never too late (or too early) to start getting into the joys – and benefits – of reading.

But to read for fun, or for knowledge, you first need to be able to read for meaning.

This is where CARS & STARS Online comes in. CARS & STARS Online is a reading comprehension program that can make every child an expert reader, able to make meaning from any text and do so with high levels of reading comprehension. It provides diagnostic assessments and guided instructional lessons, while granting teachers access to detailed ongoing reports on their students’ progress throughout the program – all with no manual marking.

We believe that learning to read is a fundamental right. Every child deserves access to the skills needed to understand, interpret and navigate the increasingly complex world they live in. What’s more, they deserve to be able to enjoy reading, and to get every benefit they can from it. Reading is part of a healthy, enjoyable life – and CARS & STARS Online is part of becoming a great reader.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.