Flexible Learning is Better for Everyone

Research has started to show that flexible learning can improve learning outcomes for all, while allowing teachers to better utilise their time and resources.

Modern education constantly strives for differentiation – to best cater for the needs of every student regardless of differences in skill, prior knowledge, approach or attitude. Differentiation done well allows teachers to leave no child behind while simultaneously holding no child back. It allows every student to reach their full potential, without their full potential getting in the way of anyone else’s.

But what if, sometimes, the forces that are constraining this type of educational breakthrough are the often rigid and inflexible elements of classroom practice? This is where flexible learning comes in. Sometimes what stands in the way of learning something is how we are being taught it, and where. With flexible learning we can differentiate more than just instruction.

CARS & STARS Online is built with the concept of multiple students being in multiple levels of comprehension in every class at any time at its centre. In fact, the program was designed specifically to allow teachers and educators to facilitate classes where each student might be on entirely different reading levels. With CARS & STARS Online, you can have every student in a class working on improving their reading comprehension, in the same program, but at the specific level appropriate to them. CARS & STARS Online is an ongoing program where students progress to the next level when they have proven themselves proficient in one, and where students struggling with understanding a certain level can move down to the level beneath that to hone their skills at the teacher’s discretion. Flexibility is key.

CARS & STARS Online allows every student to work at the level of their own understanding, and every teacher to cater for multiple ability levels within the one class, at the same time. But students can also undertake CARS & STARS Online work from anywhere with an internet connection, on any modern device able to access the internet. Gone are the days where students would have to be chained to their desks with paper and pen, completing the same work at the same time, under the watchful eye of a teacher who will then take away that work and mark it all themselves.

Students using CARS & STARS Online are not bound by attendance or school hours, or anything other than their desire to learn. It’s flexible learning for everyone – teacher and student alike – in terms of both the content and where it can be learned.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.