Welcome to the Next Levels

Sometimes the idea of the “correct” level for every student can be as much of a hindrance in teaching them as it can be a help. Often we have to focus so much on making sure every student reaches a certain point by the end of the year that we spend all our time with those who find this nebulous goal the hardest, and risk neglecting those who find it more attainable – or even boring those students who don’t have any trouble reaching it at all.

While we might have one mandated level in mind for each class or group of students, it’s often fair to say that there might be students who are at many different “levels” operating in each of our classes. The trick often becomes how to reach everyone without anyone falling behind or getting lost in the process. 

CARS & STARS Online is built with this idea in mind, and with the concept of multiple students being in multiple levels of comprehension in every class at any time. In fact, the program was designed specifically to allow teachers and educators to facilitate classes where each and every student might be on entirely different reading levels, with the core reading strategies offering a consistent and familiar structural framework regardless of which level individual students are currently working on.

Differentiation, where each and every student is catered to in a class, has long been a goal of educators. With CARS & STARS Online you can have every student in a class working on improving their reading comprehension, in the same program, but at the specific level appropriate to them. CARS & STARS Online is an ongoing program wherein students progress to the next level when they have proven themselves proficient in one, and where students struggling with understanding a certain level can move down to the level beneath that to hone their skills at the teacher’s discretion.

CARS & STARS Online allows every student to work at the level of their own understanding, and every teacher to cater for multiple ability levels within the one class, at the same time. It’s the best way to reach every student and improve their reading comprehension.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.