Home is Where the Learning Is

Parents are every child’s first reading teacher. From the moment a caregiver takes time out to read a child their first bedtime story, they are taking the first step on the road to making them a successful reader. Fostering a love of story, and the idea that books are things that can make magical things happen, are the important guiding roles that parents have played for generations.

Often, however, this connection between parents and learning to read can lessen as a child enters school and progresses through the year levels. While parents might help with reading at home, this gradually becomes something only undertaken by the student with their teacher.

Parents are busy. They can’t always take the intense interest in elements of their children’s education that they might want to. And even if they can, the gap between home and school is often insurmountable, and parents might feel like they’re unable to get all the information they might want about the process. After all, teachers are busy too. This disconnect can be frustrating, and often leads to parents being cut out, or only really involved in their child’s schooling when something goes wrong. The link between home and school is often a more tenuous one than educators and parents would like.

CARS & STARS Online is committed to keeping this connection alive. More than just a revolutionary way for students to improve their reading comprehension, the program offers unprecedented access for parents who want to monitor and get involved with their child’s reading journey as well. 

A CARS & STARS Online parent account means parents can keep on top of their child’s reading progress instantly, from any device. It’s just like having full access to their classroom teacher at any time, because parents can look directly at what their child is doing and see constant updates on their results and progress.

Gone are the days where parents might have to wait months for a scheduled parent–teacher meeting to find out just how their child is progressing. With CARS & STARS Online they have access to the same in-depth, instant and targeted information as the classroom teacher does, all from the comfort of their own home, work or indeed anywhere with an internet connection. Learning to read is one of the most important life skills there is, and now children aren’t the only ones bringing this important work home with them.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARS & STARS Online subscriptions and how they can help children to achieve better results, then sign up for a 30-day free trial to be an integral part of your child’s reading success.