Special Needs

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

Being a highly skilled, competent reader is a skill that improves every learner’s life. And with CARS & STARS Online, achieving that is within every student’s grasp – even those with special needs – and more easily achievable for their teacher than ever before.

Why Reading Comprehension Can Be Hard for Some to Learn

Why Reading Comprehension Can Be Hard for Some to Learn

Supporting struggling readers often requires a multifaceted approach, including tailored instruction, accommodations, explicit teaching of reading strategies, scaffolding of comprehension skills and addressing underlying difficulties through targeted interventions.

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

CARS & STARS Online and Special Education

Being a highly skilled, competent reader is a skill that improves every learner’s life. And with CARS & STARS Online, achieving that is within every student’s grasp – and more easily achievable for their teacher than ever before.